Share Your World 10th June 2024

1.  What is/has been your favourite job/occupation?

I will have to say my current job, the staff on the whole are good, the gaffer is nice, and we have good staff perks.
2.  Is there a job you would never consider doing?

Being a teacher for Primary/Elementary school children. First up, you need to have a very broad spectrum of subjects to teach, with little opportunity to specialise, but you would also have to cater for pupils of dramatically different levels of academic ability for their age. At least at secondary school level, the classes tended to be organised by ability.
3.  Did your family own a business and expect you to join the ranks when you got older?

No, we’ve always been very much doing our own thing. Though by pure coincidence myself, my sister, my “Auntie” Jan, and her daughter have all been involved in film projects, and three out of four of us have had photos published in “magazines.”

4.  Did/do you have a career requiring qualifications or did you learn on the job and work your way up?

I learnt on the top, though there were training courses as I progressed. If I were starting out now, there would be college courses available to cover the basics that weren’t around back in the day.

Share Your World


  1. Thanks for joining in today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The film projects sound really exciting. How’d that come about?


    1. The Sandman says:

      I am not sure about the details of my sister’s foray into film projects, but I can certainly about the rest. My “Auntie” Jan’s daughter was on a film study course and got involved in a practical project, and was cast in a second one because she is erm “very well endowed.” I had done some amateur dramatics I was approached by a mutual friend to join that project.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very interesting. You never know where or when an opportunity is going to arrive.


      2. The Sandman says:

        The downside was that “Auntie” Jan was doing a film review blog, and her daughter decided to send her a copy of one of her film projects and completely forgot that the film she selected had her appearing completely naked in it.


      3. Oh. That musty have been the object of some family discussion I would imagine.


      4. The Sandman says:

        It did indeed, she was quite embarrassed

        Liked by 1 person

      5. The Sandman says:

        Actually, after the initial shock of seeing her naked, “Auntie” Jan ok with it. Both are HUGE ladies, and “Auntie” Jan isn’t exactly innocent on the exposure front


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