Share Your World 24th June 2024

1.  What do you miss most, if anything, about your school days? Seeing my friends everyday- that’s about it.
2.  Did your school have its own sports field or swimming pool? Secondary had an enormous playing field, with a football pitch, a long jump track, and even a cricket pitch, plus multiple courts.
3.  What was your favourite day on the school week? Friday, end of the week.
4.  Did you have one teacher for a variety of subjects, or separate teachers for each? In primary school, it was one teacher covering everything. In secondary, it was at least one teacher for each subject. There were a few crossovers, GCSE year Mrs A taught both A Level and Drama, and one of the Geography Teachers also taught IT and Chemistry.

Share Your World

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for joining in and sharing your school days.


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