Fibbing Friday

How would you define these?

1. Milieu- the character played by Gordon Gostelow in the Doctor Story “The Space Pirates.”

2. Inviolable- A bad impression of Yeuhi Menduin

3. Dulcimer- those weird aliens in Blake’s 7

4. Condominium- something you use in the bedroom

5. Sycophant- Nellie with the lurgy

6. Elegiacal- Melted Foxes Mints.

7. Zhuzh- the sound I made when I received a photo from my sister clearly intended for her b/f

8. Obstreperous- a planet in a Terry Nation script

9. Symposium- Homer and Marge’s family album

10. Neophyte- the action sequences in the movie “The Matrix”

Fibbing Friday

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for joining in. Loved #9 and #10 was similar to mine. Good answers.


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